Sunday, August 29, 2010

Shit! Merde! Дерьмо!

Phylology rapes your mind! And makes you sooo lonely. The crappiest thing is that when you act weirdly, people always say: "you're such a creeper cuz you're a philology major." And then you freak out, and start yelling that philology has nothing to do with your weirdness. You can assume someone calling you a freak by nature, but you really get mad when someone accuses philology of ringing you mental troubles. I am saying this as I am draining the third shot glass of congnac. Damn it!


  1. You make me want to be right next to you also draining my third shot glass of congnac right at this very minute. Damn it! Katya, Katya, Katya - I miss you... And once your major is philology, you can kiss your sanity good-bye. Life as a philology is still life - but not as anybody else knows it. In a way I think it's good that Berkeley - and most American universities - don't have a Philology Department (where all the mad people go), but also I want to bring it back for without it, I do feel like a freak! But a freak without a solid institution to back me up... And Berkeley has a ton of lovely book stores by the way, but because they're so "anti" many American things, there's no Barnes & Noble. But there is one in the city close by ;)

  2. I love this comment. Greater than congnac. Makes me feel so much better. Спасибо тебе!!!
